V.T Dão Pape Vinhos do Dão
This wine comes from grapes from Quinda da Pellada and Touriga Nacional from the vineyard of Outeiro. In years when the Baga variety reaches its full potential, it also enters the constitution of this lot.
V.t dao c.santar 0,75 € 5,30
V.t dao c.santar.reserva€ 13,20
V.t dao grao vasco € 3,50
V.t dao m/encosta€ 2,85
V.t dao qta.cabriz four.c€ 72,50
V.t dao qta.cabriz.res.€ 8,10
V.Dão Flor de Santar tto€ 6,95
V.T Dao Duque Viseu€ 4,40